Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Does drinking milk help?

You've seen the Drink Milk ads, with the white moustache. Is it true? Here's a page from the site on the studies. They're pretty impressive. Note that out of the 5 studies, one study, on normal-weight women, showed no weight loss. However, the other 4 studies all showed good results.

My experience with this was the same. When I started drinking milk or eating yogurt for breakfast and dinner, I was able to lose weight more easily.

I like to see research. When you hear claims that something will work to help you lose weight, check out the research.

Dairy and Weight Management: A Look at the Science.

Here are some quotes:
"...34 obese adults on a balanced, modestly reduced-calorie diet found that those who consumed a calcium-rich diet ... lost 22% more weight, 66% more body fat and 81% more trunk fat compared to those who simply reduced calories and consumed little or no dairy."

"Two randomized controlled studies were conducted . . . The first clinical study, a 24-week study of 29 obese adults, found that those who consumed 3 servings of dairy per day . . . lost twice as much weight and fat while preserving lean body mass compared to participants who consumed less than 1 serving of dairy per day.

"The second clinical study. . . found that those who consumed 3 servings of dairy per day on a weight-maintenance diet lost more total body fat and trunk fat and gained lean mass compared to participants who consumed less than 1 serving of dairy per day. . . In addition, in the weight maintenance study, consuming 3 servings of dairy per day produced a significant decrease in blood pressure."

"A 12-month study of 155 women . . . found that normal weight subjects showed no effect on body composition under energy balance (study was not designed for weight loss)."

"In a 12-month study of 19 normal-weight women (aged 18-30 years), the participants who consumed 3-4 servings of dairy each day burned more fat and calories from a meal compared to women who consumed a low-dairy diet (1-2 servings per day). "

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